JFK Assassination

November 22, 1963, In Dallas Texas

interview Mike McCracken:


  • what were you doing?-I was going to school in garfield elementry billings, Mt.

  • how old were you?-i was about 9 years old.

  • how did you feel?-I was surprised that he was killed.

  • what was the reaction to the people around you?-they were upset and crying my friends and teachers were quite in a shock.


  • do you think their were others involved?- I believe their was only one shooter. I also believe thier was more to the plot.

  • Who do you think was involved and why?-I belive it was the cubans because of the missel crises that was going on.

  • do you think all the information has been reveled and given to the public?- I believe most of the information has been reveled.

  • one gun man addition to oswald or you think oswald was not involved?- I believe it was a lone shooter but a plot because secret service left him exposed.

  • do you think it was a cover-up?- I am undecided I really am not sure.

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