1959 barbie doll launch.

Barbie Doll Launch
i chose barbie dolls because my grandma collects barbie dolls. They have had barbie dolls for a long time but they did not start selling till 1959. Being called the barbie doll launch.

1958 video game

In 1958 the first video game was invented by William Higinbotham. He chose his fist game on tennis. Ever since then video games have become more of a variety.

Music Family

Family Portrait
Great grandfather Jack Musick, Great Uncle Arthur Musick,
Great Great grandfather Arthur Musick, Great Uncle Harold Musick,
Great Uncle Leonard Musick.

Year of 1958

JAck Musick was home on leave visiting his brothers and parents. He was stationed in Berlin, Germany so he didn't get to come home very often. His father, Arthur worked in the oil fields in Bakersfield, California. His brother Art was still at home but soon after joined the Air Force and was Stationed at Malstrom Air Force Base, Montana. His brother Harold started his own business in Bakersfield where he rebuilt auto transmissions. It was called Musick's Transmission Center. His brother Leonard was the head account for Exxon Oil Company. Arthur and Harold are the only two still living. Arthur Musick moved his whole family to Bakersfield, California sometime around 1935 from Childress, Texas. They were farmers but since crops were failing during the Dust bowl years they had to move to find employment. Great Great Grandpa Arthur was going to stay in Texas but his older brothers sold the family home so he had no place to live and had to move.

1957 travel

Great Grandpa Jack Musick checking equipment in the cockpit. He served in the China Burma Theater during WW II. This picture was taken sometime in 1943 or 1944 in Calcuta, India.

TSgt Jack Musick served in Berlin in 1957. He worked in Security Service at Templehoff Air Force Base. In the first photo he was inspecting supplies and in the second he was looking over Berlin from the top of the Berliner Funkturm or Berlin Radio Tower.

elvis presley jail house rock 1957

Elvis Presley Jail House Rock
Jailhouse Rock was an American motion picture that was directed by Richard Thorpe
and released on October 30, 1957. Elvis Presley was in his third film. Because of
an automobile accident one of his Co-stars named Tyler was killed. A few weeks
after the film was completed. Presley was so upset that he refused to watch the
completed film I chose this film because it is one of my grandma favorite song .

1956 Election

The 1956 election was a repeat of 1952.

Stevenson knowing Eisenhower popularity

rate tried to use everything against him that he could.

He used Eisenhower age and health because recently

he had survived a heart attack. Stevenson

was popular with the liberals for he was for

"all- volunteer" army, and social programs.

Eisenhower did three great things that helped

him become popular.

He ended the korean war,

prosperous to the nation,

and supported the brown vs. board of Ed.

One thing I think they both should of done was the issue about civil rights. What do you think?

1955- Disneyland

Have you ever wonder when disneyland was open and what it was like? Will the first disneyland was opend in california in 1955 now as you know today we have disneyland all over the world. Like Florida, Toyko and many more places. When i was 12 years old I got to go to disneyland for the first time for a whole week. have you been to disneyland and what was it like for you? Did you know now adays they have logos, many more characters and lots of movies this time in color.


In 1954 M&M's were invented. they made many diffrent types. My favorite was the milk chocolate. what color do you like your M&M to be? or your favorite kind?

1953 polio vaccine

1953 was the year a polio vaccine was invented which helped out many people. I think this was a great invention because we were able to pervent less people from getting sick. What do you think of this invention?

1952 election

United States Presidential Election 1952
November 4, 1952

The United States presidential election of 1952 took place during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. Combined with national tension and weariness after two years of bloody stalemate in the Korean War, set the stage for a hotly fought presidential contest.

The Democratic Party nominated Governor Adlai Stevenson of Illinois; Stevenson had gained a reputation in Illinois as a great speaker. The Republican Party chose popular war hero General Dwight D. Eisenhower who won in a landslide. Eisenhower, at 62, was the oldest man to become President.

1951 I love lucy

this 1951 show was very popular. the one thing that was unusal was they would film it with more than one cameras. I love lucy was a comedian show.

1950 first credict card

the first credict card was made in 1950.I believe credit cards back then were very confussing. And are as big of a problem as they are in todays society.