1979 MAsh
1977-apple computer 2 on sale
US $2638 with 48K RAM
6 colors maximum
cassette interface
8 internal expansion slots
external 143K floppy (1978)
1976 election
1973- world trade center
family photos
A friend of my grand-pa and grand-ma was trying to learn to be a professional photographer so he got them to pose for him for practice. These were taken in a park in Wichita, Kansas about 1973. Grandma was having trouble making grandpa behave.
In June of 1978 grand-pa and grand-ma graduated from college. It took them 10 years going to night school to finish their degrees. Grand-ma got a degree in Sociology and Grand-pa got two degrees, one in Industrial Safety and one in Business. They graduated from Kansas Newman College in Wichita, Kansas. They used their GI Bill to attend school and Grand-ma completed her last year in a Bootstrap program that guaranteed her a commission in the Air Force when she completed her schooling.
1972 election
Emphasizing a good economy and his successes in the ending of American involvement in Vietnam and establishing relations with China.
Nixon won the election in a massive landslide.He won with a 23.2% of victory in the popular vote and received almost 18 million more popular votes than McGovern.
1971- love story
Love Story
the love story of oliver and jenny. Jenny is very ill and dies. famous line from the movie was " love means never having to say you're sorry." It had every girl bawling and every guy feeling sensative. Was a best seller book then made into a movie.